Tag Archives: free software

How to Sell Linux to Schools

28 May

In my earlier post ‘How to Sell Linux’ I looked at three different ways how to popularize Linux and make it more mainstream as well as a household name. In the post I will look specifically at how I would sell Linux to schools, examining all the aspects of such a deployment and how I would do it and what distro and software I would use.

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5 Lightweight Alternatives to Popular Applications

11 May

Okay so if you have been reading my blog regularly you will have noticed that I love free, open source software, which in many cases is an alternative to popular, expensive and worst of all closed-source software. Here is my list of 5 Lightweight Alternatives to Popular Applications (with a brief introduction and explanation of the contents, of course)

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Top 5 Free Windows Applications

8 May

Here is my view on what are the top 10 free Windows Apps are. All the apps websites are linked in the name. Also I have left out software such as browsers as I will be doing a later focus on that.

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5 Great Firefox Addons

6 May

Using any operating system whether it be Mac or Linux just wouldn’t be the same without all the amazing plugins and add-ons created by the open-source community supporting software

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