Tag Archives: linux mint

How to Sell Linux to Schools

28 May

In my earlier post ‘How to Sell Linux’ I looked at three different ways how to popularize Linux and make it more mainstream as well as a household name. In the post I will look specifically at how I would sell Linux to schools, examining all the aspects of such a deployment and how I would do it and what distro and software I would use.

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How to Sell Linux

22 May

Sell- Verb (used with object)- to persuade or induce (someone) to buy or use something

That’s one of the many definitions of the word sell, it is also the definition which allowed me to use the word in this context. This post is all about how we (as a community of Linux users) could persuade or induce someone or some people to use Linux in many different ways; whether is be in an organisation or for personal use.

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The Best Linux Communities

9 May

Linux has, by far, the best communities of developers, designers and users. There are many different forums for the specific Linux distros such as Fedora, Linux Mint or Ubuntu. From my experience the best forums (Most Active)  forums are the ones over at Ubuntu and Fedora (link in the name) with a number of professionals and amateurs alike all willing to give answers to your questions or if you need somebodies view on your site or blog.

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